happy hens

Monday, January 17, 2011

creating the home sweet home for the chicks

I am planning on raising four chicks, 3 breeds; buff orpington, australorp, speckled sussex.  The box should be large enough for the chicks to move around but not get lost.  They should be able to move in and out of the heat from the lamp.  The infrared bulb will be suspended 17" from the floor to maintain the temperature for the chicks at 95 degrees for the first week.  The bulb will be raised and the temperature increased by 5 degrees each week until it reaches 70 degrees.


  1. FIVE chicks cause you're raising mine, too, remember?!

  2. 1 of the 4 is yours...the coop only houses 4 hens comfortably. What are you going to name yours?
