happy hens

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Screech gets some new girlfriends

We were able to get two more Ameraucanas to flock with Screech.  When we put the new birds in the coop it was amazing to see Screech go right to them and she seemed so relieved.  She had been staying in the coop since Flo was killed.  After the week long ritual of keeping them in the coop they were released to the yard.  The 3 new girls stay together and the 2 bigger girls stay together.  There is a pecking order being worked out but nothing too aggressive.  The bigger hens don't like to give up their coop space so the newbies have to find a little space that is not intrusive.  After a couple of weeks all 5 are beginning to spend time closer together.  Since the two new hen are white and impossible to tell apart I call them the Wrigley twins, Scott calls them Zelda and Zoe.
I began to let Bixby out unattended again on Saturday and then today (Sunday) he and Stella spent the day in the yard while we were gone.  It didn't take him as long this time to understand that he had to leave the chickens alone.  Hopefully when he is outside he will keep predators away.