chicks at 2 weeks |
The black australorps did not arrive from the hatchery so I decided to get a chick that is the same age as the other chicks. Our new addition is a Plymouth barred rock chick. They often have a spot on the top of their heads so we are referring to her as Spot. She must not have eaten much food at Orchleins because she ate non stop for the first day she was here. The introduction of a new chick was strange. The 3 chicks looked at Spot and she looked at them like they were from another planet... However, the chicks had a change of venue last week. We had new windows installed downstairs so I had to move them into the bathroom closet upstairs during the installation. I think that helped them all transition together. They are all sticking together just fine. When I transported them back downstairs Bixby made the discovery. He has become very interested since fried chicken is his favorite food! He stood watch over the door for quite a while to see if he could get a better look. It is amazing how fast they are growing. They are starting to get their wing feathers and trying them out with some short flaps and quasi flights across the brooder box.